Canva Unveils Enterprise Tier to Empower Businesses with Visual Communications


Canva Unleashes Visual Prowess for Enterprise: AI-Powered Design Meets Enterprise-Grade Control

After a decade of empowering individuals and small teams with its user-friendly design platform, Canva is now setting its sights on larger organizations with the launch of Canva Enterprise. This new enterprise-level subscription plan aims to meet the demands of global businesses, providing them with a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline their visual communications across various departments.

Recognizing the growing need for engaging and readable visual content, Canva Enterprise builds upon the platform's existing graphic design toolset, offering advanced features tailored to the requirements of larger organizations. With secure, scalable cloud storage solutions, companies can now consolidate their AI-powered design tools, collaboration capabilities, and content creation workflows within a unified ecosystem.

"As demand for visual content soars, navigating organizational complexity is more challenging than ever," said Melanie Perkins, co-founder and CEO of Canva. "We democratized the design ecosystem in our first decade, and now look forward to unifying the fragmented ecosystems of design, AI, and workflow tools for every organization in our second decade."

One of the key highlights of Canva Enterprise is the introduction of robust brand controls, enabling organizations to manage their visual assets effectively. From controlling what appears on the page to determining who can share and access specific content, businesses can maintain a consistent brand identity across all their visual communications.

Moreover, Canva has addressed concerns surrounding the use of AI for professional purposes by including indemnification for AI-generated content for eligible customers. This move aims to provide businesses with the necessary assurances and legal protection when incorporating AI-powered design elements into their workflows.

Alongside Canva Enterprise, the company has unveiled Canva Work Kits – a collection of tailored tools designed to cater to the specific needs of sales, marketing, creative, and HR departments. These fully customizable, branded kits empower teams to create a wide range of professional materials, from pitch decks and job ads to content calendars and brand strategy documents, enabling them to scale their output efficiently.

To further support businesses in their visual communications journey, Canva has introduced Canva Courses, an interactive learning platform that allows organizations to transform existing designs into engaging and interactive courses for workplace training and onboarding.

As Canva continues to expand its offerings, the company's new European headquarters underscores its commitment to serving global businesses more effectively. With the introduction of Canva Enterprise and its complementary features, Canva aims to solidify its position as a leading visual communications platform, empowering organizations of all sizes to elevate their visual storytelling capabilities.