OpenAI's Mac-Only ChatGPT App Leaves Windows Users Out in the Cold


OpenAI Snubs Microsoft, Launches ChatGPT App for Mac but Leaves Windows Users Waiting

In a surprising move that may have left Microsoft feeling a bit slighted, OpenAI unveiled a native ChatGPT app for macOS during its live event today, while leaving Windows users empty-handed. Despite Microsoft's substantial $10 billion investment in OpenAI and the integration of its technology into the company's Copilot services, the AI giant chose to prioritize the Mac platform over Windows.

OpenAI's CTO Mira Murati justified the decision by stating that the company is "just prioritizing where our users are," suggesting that the majority of its desktop users are on Mac. This revelation comes as a shock, given Windows' dominant market share in the PC industry. Windows users will have to wait until later this year for a native ChatGPT app, with no specific release date provided.

While Windows users can still access ChatGPT through a web app in their browser, the experience won't be as seamless as a dedicated native app. Microsoft has been heavily promoting Windows as the go-to platform for AI developers, making OpenAI's decision to sideline the operating system all the more puzzling.

There is a glimmer of hope for Windows users, as OpenAI engineer Javi mentioned that the company is actively seeking Windows engineers, presumably to aid in the development of a native ChatGPT app for Windows 11. In the meantime, Windows users can rely on Microsoft Copilot, which is built into all Windows PCs and utilizes OpenAI's GPT technology. However, it's important to note that while Copilot and ChatGPT share similarities, they are not identical, and Microsoft ultimately controls the GPT experience in Copilot.

Moreover, ChatGPT often receives access to new OpenAI technology before it is integrated into Windows Copilot. This means that Windows users may have to wait longer to take advantage of the latest advancements in AI technology.

The absence of a native ChatGPT app for Windows highlights a growing trend among app developers who seem to prioritize new app development on Mac instead of Windows. This is particularly evident when comparing the user experience of Windows Copilot, which is a webview powered by Microsoft Edge, to the ChatGPT app on Mac, which uses SwiftUI, the Mac's native UI platform. The result is a fast, fluid, and visually appealing app on Mac, while Windows Copilot, although functional, falls short in terms of speed and aesthetics.

As Microsoft prepares to host its annual Build developer conference next week, with a strong focus on AI, it remains to be seen how the company will address the apparent snub from OpenAI and the growing disparity between the ChatGPT experience on Mac and Windows.